Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Omniscient Omnipotent is just one of his names,
But he never gives a moniker that is the same.
Most think he's a legend old kayakers tell
About who is responsible for Stubblefield's swell.
He’ll occupy his time at the river all day.
A cardboard fortress atop a rock is his mainstay.
Sometimes, it's the only evidence that he exists,
Yet new tales of his escapades always persist.
“Let’s look for the Naked Dam Man!” Robert Goo will say.
“Well, what does he look like? What is his way?”
“He’s a tall white man who looks bone-thin.
He’ll stand on the rocks, his beard blowing in the wind.
You see these rock formations--he made them all.
In fact, he's the one who maintains Stubblefield Falls.
Ask him any question, and he'll answer the truth.
He's held the secrets of the universe in his head since his youth.”
Then I think, “Perhaps he's akin to the Totem Heron or Deer,
Who watch over the River and live without fear.”
Humans may pity him, thinking he lives in exile,
But paddlers know he's embraced that musk, so fierce & so wild.
And when I finally meet him, I'll gladly shake his hand,

For I've met the ultimate Totem, the Naked Dam Man.

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