Wednesday, January 29, 2020


To the Court of the River Queen,
I come with trepidation,
And wholly stand in awe of Her vast creation.
For I know the privilege I hold despite my station
And so I'm o’ercome with great elation.
Then as I catch a glimpse of the Throne room's gleam,
I cannot wait to gaze upon my River Queen.

At the Court of the River Queen,
Peasants cheer as I approach.
Filled with excitement, my path they will encroach. 
They gasp as I try to use my tiny boat
To cross the turbulent, “impassable” moat.
But erupt in applause when I reach the Eddy’s seam,
For I am at last in the Throne room of my River Queen.

The Throne Room of the River Queen
Is filled with courtiers fair,
Who frolic without worry under Her Grace's care.
As I approach Her throne, they all stop and stare,
Wondering if this unfeathered creature even belongs there.
Undaunted, I charge ahead at full steam,
For I know I was bid by my River Queen.

Before the Majesty of my River Queen,
I forget all my toils.
Dancing with my Queen is the greatest of spoils.
And to Her only, I will always be loyal--
Long after I  return to my peasant soil.
For She alone fills all my dreams,

And I pray to always be worthy of my River Queen.

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