Wednesday, January 29, 2020


The River Gods, they heard my cries.
As I languished, they sympathized.
For I was weary and worn from my travels.
Without rain, I'd go crazy. My life was in ravels.
I journeyed to the mountains to receive strength from on high
From the goddess Miyolangsangma who lives by the sky.
She gave me great powers--all unexpected,
But she took my strength to bear the burden I had elected.
I returned to the valley, weak from living without cares,
And the daily struggles of life all felt too much to bear.
So I went to the River to strengthen my shoulders,
But we both seemed a little weaker, a little bit older.
Still, I paid homage to the Queen of my life,
And submitted my body as her Totem sacrifice.
I prayed to our Mother to send me both rain and purpose,
And lift me from this state--so gray and so mirthless.
In swooped her angels in the form of dark clouds
And enveloped the earth in a watery shroud.
With each drop of rain, my spirits arose.
Now ecstasy simmers as I write this prose.
For even a day is too long without our Lover.
Though we pass time with hobbies, our minds always wander
To her beautiful curves upon which we ride,
To her love that carries us through high & low tides.
Hope of her return makes my lip quiver.

And I can't wait to worship at the United Church of River!

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