Wednesday, January 29, 2020

We Are Dirtbag Paddlers

We are Dirtbag Paddlers
In River we trust
Whether bouncing on Odeck
Or riding Center Chute's thrust.
Always we’re wearing 
A piece of River crust.

We are Dirtbag Paddlers.
We surf from dawn until dusk.
Our perfume is River--
Not lavender or musk.
On land we’ll be drinking
Or tossing eaten paw-paws’ husks.

We are Dirtbag Paddlers
Winter, spring, summer, fall.
We laugh at the tourists
Who think the sport’s seasonal.
They don't know that the River
Is our Risperdal.

We are Dirtbag Paddlers,
And hippies we be.
We may all have jobs,
But we long to be free
To commune on our River,
In Nature's sanctuary.

We are Dirtbag Paddlers
To the River our minds wander.
We dream of the pulsing waves
That crash on us like thunder,
And pray that they kindly
Not break our boats asunder.

We are Dirtbag Paddlers.
We wait until the night
To welcome each full moon
With a surf by its light,
And hope not to hit rocks
For dim is our sight.

We are Dirtbag Paddlers!
The River Gods we beseech
To save all our Rivers
From the evil Russian's reach
And remove Putin's puppet--
Make Congress impeach!

We are Dirtbag Paddlers.
The River is our teacher
That though we are human, 
We are but a creature
And completely dependent
On Mother Earth’s greatest feature.

We are Dirtbag Paddlers.
We come drink at the fount,
And pray that She overflows
With rain from the Mount.
So we strive to stay green

In our Karmic account.

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