Wednesday, March 18, 2020



You're not a minority!
Sure your hair has kink,
Your skin is brown,
Your nose is broad-ish.
But you're not a minority!
See your eyes are light,
Your speech is nice,
Your mom is white!
So you're not a minority!
Do you know our pain?
Have you felt the hate
As the world discriminates?
Still not a minority!
And no matter how you're seen,
Or if your dad wasn't free,
You'll never be…
A minority.

Then what am I?

What are you?
I don't recognize your kind,
And I need to put you in a box
With a genus and a species.
What are you?
You're an exotic-looking sort,
From the jungles of Africa?
Eh! you're far too pretty.
What are you?
A human from Loudoun County?
Oh! So where in the Middle East?
Ha! You thought I was listening.

What are you?

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