Tuesday, February 25, 2020


So this is one of my few poems not about the River. I am a hospice nurse. While I love my job, sometimes certain patients stay in your heart and are extra painful. This was inspired by the dying process of the cutest, sweetest 4yr old. Side note: this is one of the reasons I seek the healing of the River.

Who takes away the caregiver's pain?
Who holds the hand of the one
Who opens her heart to take your pain,
To guide you down the path that none choose.
Who takes away the memories
Of the child screaming and crying,
"Mama, I can't breathe! I can't breathe!"
Cries that haunt her visions and dreams.
Who holds the one who holds you,
Who collects all your tears on her shoulder,
And promises never to break--
At least not in front of you…
Who takes away the caregiver's pain?

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